Plant Care Products
Hi-Way carries many products to make sure that your plants continue to thrive and grow to their full potential.
Below are some of our most popular products to combat Insects or Fungus in your garden. We also stock a variety of foods & additives for plant growth.
Fungal Control
Fungus is a major enemy of most plants. Spores are all around us, especially in the garden. When you add in water, heat & poor soil drainage, fungus can thrive in gardens.
If your plants have a fungal infection and it is caught soon enough, our selection of antifungal sprays and solutions can help get your garden back on track.
Fighting Plant Pests
Have you been seeing some creepy-crawling critters on leaves in your garden or maybe walking across the soil?
Pest insects can be a real headache for gardeners across the country. Our selection of pesticides can help you reclaim your garden from the little bug invaders! Concerned for your family, fruits & vegetables and pets? We offer a selection of organic, gentle and safe sprays appropriate for whatever your needs.

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